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Grand Prize Showcase Award




Eligibility:  The Grand Prize Showcase Award is open to 1st prize winners of PIMC Open Categories and extended invitation to second prize winners and Qualified categories winner by Judges’ recommendation.

Categories: Piano, Strings, Flute

Applicants must not be under professional management.  



Application due:  April 18, 2021 by midnight. Completed application, fee, and video recording submissions must all be received by midnight on April 18, 2021. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.



Winners’ video submissions may be highlighted on the PIMC Website, YouTube Channel and other social media (at the discretion of the PIMC marketing team).


· Grand Prize—The Best overall performances in each category-$100 cash prize

· Exceptional Young Talent Award - Certificate

· Special Jury Discretionary Award- Certificate

· Special Brilliant Award- Certificate

· Audience Prize $100 cash prize

·*Extra Awards will be selected from the overall pool of instrumentalists.  



· One piece with no time restriction

· Need to be the same repertoire or a choice from the same repertoires from first round

· Due to pandemic, accompanist is not required. The lack of accompaniment will NOT affect the scoring

· All pieces must be performed from memory except for Flute


Application Deadline:  

Due April 18, 2021 at midnight. All materials must be received by the application deadline to be considered.

Application Package: Completed online application, video recording submission, and application fee. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 


Video recording submissions should be sent electronically via link to YouTube . Links should be included on your online application form.


Application Fee: $60.00 USD (non-refundable).


Video Recording Submission: 

· Upload your videos to YouTube include links on your online application form.

· Please clearly indicate the performer's full name, instrument, and submitted repertoire in the video title and description. 

· Though high audio and video quality is strongly recommended, professional recording is not required.

· Submissions must be completely unedited during performances.  

· Video must show the performer's entire upper body, hands, and face throughout playing time.

· Check video for playability and privacy settings before submitting. Unplayable videos will disqualify applicant.


Rules and Information:

· Once submitted, all application materials become the property of PIMC and will not be returned.

· String and flute Players, piano accompaniment is strongly recommended, but not required.

· Once your application is submitted, no changes may be made to repertoire selections. Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the Judges. Judges are not required to award any or all prizes.  

· All Judges' decisions are final. 

· Application fees are non-refundable.

· PIMC holds the right to change the rules if it will be necessary.



By signing your application, you agree to submit an honest and complete application and to follow the procedures and rules for performance. 


Announcement of Winners:  

Competition winners in each category will be announced on this website and by email on May 5, 2021. Winners will also be notified by email directly. Winners must respond to their notification email no later than May 10, 2021 to claim their cash prize.



Grand Prize Showcase Competition jurors will consist of three internationally recognized artists.

The Pelican International Music Competition (PIMC) is open for musicians of all nationalities for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello and Flute. Each applicant will be judged by a numerical system, and a comment sheet will be available after April 20.  


Categories: Once the category is chosen and submitted on the application, no change can be made. Applicants may enter multiple categories, however, applicants may NOT enter for both Qualified and Open categories. The only exception is when applicants enter on two instruments. For example, an applicant may enter Qualified category on Violin and Open category on Piano, but may not enter Qualified and Open categories on Piano. 


Qualified categories are for those who are performing repertoire that are considered appropriate for their age and level, and Open categories are for those who are performing at an advanced level on substantial repertoire.  


Age: Age group is based on the applicant’s age as of 3.31.2021.

Submission deadline: 3.31.2021 11:59 PM, Pacific Time 



Non-piano applicants may choose to enter with or without accompaniment. The lack of accompaniment will NOT affect the scoring. 


Memorization: Memorization is required for all Open categories. For Qualified categories, memorization is NOT required although encouraged. Unmemorized repertoire for Qualified categories will NOT affect the scoring. For Flute, memorization is not required for both Qualified and Open categories. 




Open Category: $80

Qualified Category: $70

Piano Duet/Duo: $85

Grand Prize (Open second round): $60 

*Application fee for the second round of the Open categories. Applicants may choose to use the original video submission or upload a new recording (repertoire must remain the same). 


Solo Piano/Violin/Viola/Cello/Flute Solo 

Competitors will compete by age group. 

Age 6 and under and through age 18 and above by each age year. 


Baroque Piano/Violin/Viola/Cello/Flute Solo

Competitors will compete by age group. 

Age 6 and under through age 18 and above by each age year. 


Chopin Piano Solo 

Competitors will compete by age group. 

Age 8 and under through age 18 an above by each age year.


Contemporary Piano/Flute Solo

Repertoire must be by composers born after 1930. Repertoires composed by applicants are not permitted for entry.

Age 6 and under through age 18 and above by each age year. 


Duet/Duo Piano 

Competitors will compete by age group. Category is determined based on the oldest member.

Age 6 and under

Age 7-8

Age 9-10

Age 11-12

Age 13-14

Age 15-16

Age 17 and above




First Round: Top three applicants in each category (Qualified and Open) are awarded certificate. First prize winners of Open category will receive further instructions for the 2nd round procedures upon the conclusion of the round. 


Grand Prize Showcase Award: $100 is awarded to the winner of the second round of the Open categories for each instrumental group. 1st place winners will compete for the 2nd time with the same repertoire. Applicants may re-submit the video recording or choose to use the previous recording. Repertoire and categories cannot be changed from the 1st round.  


Audience Award: $100 is awarded for an applicant in the second round with the highest YouTube ‘likes’. The voting will close 2 weeks from the release date. Please note that the number of comments do not count toward the vote. 

1st Round Video Guidelines Only


One piece video per category submission

Each video must be recorded single continuous take and unedited.

There is no time restriction for each piece submission.

All compositions must be performed by memory during all the rounds. (*see instrument requirement)

Videos are adjudicated privately by a panel of Preliminary Round judges.

Youtube link with Student Full Name, full repertoire title, upload as unlisted

For the purpose of PICM judging panel,  please remove " made for kids" option in your youtube link submission.



Grand Prize video upload:  Applicants may re-submit the video recording or choose to use the previous recording. Repertoire and categories cannot be changed from the 1st round. First prize winners will receive further instructions for the 2nd round procedures upon the conclusion of the round.

â’¸ All Rights Reserved - OMF 2021 



Pelican International Music Competition for Young Artists

Video Guidelines
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